
The purpose of the survey is not so much to define an area of ownership but rather to determine an area to which the Diamond Act , 13 of 1999 would refer to and be subject to and also to physically demarcate the boundaries of the area.

This would determine which existing areas within the described area are to be included and which excluded, therefore the excludes figures to be considered shown on the working plan and those shown on the diagram. The final list of figures was determined by the working group.

The whole survey was done as a static network. The main network including the 4 Zero-order points, coastline beacons Hottentot & Herman, Trigonometrical beacons Burenkamp & Gas and also 3 survey points along the Chamais Gate road included. This main network was observed for a minimum of 12 hours

The static network was radially calculated starting at Zero-order beacon Aus firstly un-constraint, and all baseline resolved.

Also included in the processing was Namdeb main base station G79GD, daily Rinex data was received form the survey department courtesy of Mr. Mark Bock.



The purpose of the survey is not so much to define an area of ownership but rather to determine an area to which the Diamond Act , 13 of 1999 would refer to and be subject to and also to physically demarcate the boundaries of the area.

This would determine which existing areas within the described area are to be included and which excluded, therefore the excludes figures to be considered shown on the working plan and those shown on the diagram. The final list of figures was determined by the working group.

The whole survey was done as a static network. The main network including the 4 Zero-order points, coastline beacons Hottentot & Herman, Trigonometrical beacons Burenkamp & Gas and also 3 survey points along the Chamais Gate road included. This main network was observed for a minimum of 12 hours

The static network was radially calculated starting at Zero-order beacon Aus firstly un-constraint, and all baseline resolved.

Diggy Diggy Hole

All the holes dug looked at

Maerua Mall

All the holes dug looked at